Wednesday, March 4, 2009

As The Debate Painfully Drags On.....

Millions upon millions more innocent people fall victim to the whims of the all knowing, all forgiving self righteous practioners of the various incarnations of the One on Earth. Take your pick, which genocide do you condone in the name of the flavor of the week or year or century. I have no doubt that there is something beyond my comprehension at play somehow in this Universe, but you will never convince me that the flavor of the day has a more intimate, enlightened knowledge of what that is than any other. To relentlessly kill and steal in the name of one against the other seems to me to be so far off the track of Truth as to make itself irrelevent. You lose by default. Your lack of respect for life itself, all life, relegates you to the deepest level of immorality.
How can any one of any cloth condone any of the senselessness going on in this world? The killing, the starvation, the relentless greed of the affluent, the total disregard and disdain of the less fortunate, regardless of the circumstances of that condition, is unacceptable and is beneath the capacity of a true Human Being. What on Earth have we become and why are we letting those in power take us to those depths? I don't know the answer but I do know that no one in power in recent times has represented Humanity with any dignity at all, NO ONE.
The relentless chase for the almighty dollar surely has shown itself to be the wrong path but we go merrily along stealing and cheating each other on the grandest of scales with the guilty parties whining for relief from their failed selfish exploits.
Look at the names of all the perpetrators of the financial scams of the last 25 years and you should not be suprised to see the same names over and over and over again, bankers all. When will we learn?
If you don't believe the names are the same, take a little GOOGLE journey down the financial fraud avenues. Check banking fraud including and especially the Federal Reserve and all other central banks that have ever existed. Lo and behold.

The Pot Calling The Kettle.....

In the continuing Bizarro World adventure, the aiders and abetters of the Wall St. Fraudsters reared their ugly heads again last week leaping out of their collective Guccis in a lame attempt to blame the sub prime collapse on the victims rather than the multi-millionaire manipulators who got their 10k Rolexes caught in the cookie jar. Sure, I understand that people who cannot afford mortgages should not be getting them, but come on, who got scammed, the uneducated mortgage applicant or the slick weasel who saw a way to give a mortgage to someone they should have known could not afford one. There is one professional in these equations and it is not the underfinanced, no collateral buyer, it is the "I will stretch all the rules for a commission" Banker who had all the knowledge and wherewithal to write up the deal. They were not taken advantage of. There has been no charge of buyers lying to the bankers about their financial status. That is not in question. What is in question is, why would a knowledgeable professional approve a loan for a borderline, or worse, buyer? If they can't come up with a good answer for that question then they should not have their jobs, they are reckless and/or incompetent.

None of them deserve a bailout. The mortgage holder loses for trying to stretch beyond his means and the Banker loses for attempting a very risky mortgage. It is the Banker who has all the power so the failure is ultimately his sole responsibility. They should be allowed to fail. NO BAILOUT PERIOD.

Since when do the town criers of personal responsibility and free market start whining like babies for help when the wheels fall of their diamond studded wagons. Grow up, you tried a scam and you got caught by market conditions that were thundering on the horizon to be noticed. You are the Professionals and you missed the signals, you were asleep at the wheel and should suffer the consequences. Many other financial people saw the disaster looming and spoke often of it. While you were arrogantly sitting in your Ivory Towers counting your money people like Jim Rogers were shaking their heads waiting for the wake up call to slap you in the face. And it did.